The MAU Fee structure is standardized and non-negotiable. We are proud of our “NO CONTRACTS, NO ENROLLMENT FEES POLICY”. You pay for expenses. Lessons are priceless!
MAU members are able to purchase blocks of instruction at a discounted rate. 3 Months in advance is a 5% discount, 6 months in advance is a 10% discount, 12 months in advance is 15% discount. If the student is unable to continue the full term of the discounted block membership, they are able to transfer the remaining time to another. (Space permitting) Pre-paid block memberships ARE NOT REFUNDABLE.
A MAU member can choose to put their membership on hold for a minimum of (2) week and a maximum of 6 months.
A MAU student must be enrolled for a minimum of (3) months before they are eligible for a scholarship. A letter of intent must be submitted to the staff for evaluation. Financial assistance is limited to those who are the most in need and have the loyalty and dedication needed to benefit themselves and the system.
MAU does not take monthly fees at our facilities. After the initial sign up, monthly dues are paid by credit card or other bank services such as a checking or savings account. In the instance that a member wishes to halt their membership a (15) day notice is required by our billing company to stop the payment process.
MAU offers discounts for multiple members of a single household. Two persons will receive $25.00 off the 2nd person’s membership, 1st person’s remains normal membership price. Parents train 1/2 Off. If you have a student enrolled with MAU you train at half the price.
MAU makes an effort to parallel the public school schedule. For example: When schools are closed and banks for major holidays like Veterans Day so is MAU. On occasion, MAU will close for renovations in the winter and summer. In the event that MAU is closed for more than (5) days, student’s memberships will be credited. When schools are closed for minor holidays like “Teacher Duty Days ”, MAU remains open. On these days MAU offers “All Day Workouts” to give child students an alternative to staying home alone. See the front desk for schedule.
MAU is a Para-military based organization with emphasis on Character & Survival. Our primary objective is character. Respect –Discipline-Honesty- Self Control-Integrity etc. Responses should always end with a “Ma’am” or “Sir”, “Please”, “Thank you”, and "You're welcome". Some basic Japanese titles are also taught. The Head Master instructor will be referred to as “Soke’” (Soh-Kay), the Certified Black Belts are called “Sensei” (Sen-say) etc. These titles are a prefix to the last name. For example: Soke’ Santella. This verbiage is a form of respect and should be utilized by students and parents alike. Students will also salute (Bow) instructors as well as each other. You are NOT PRAYING TO ANYTHING! A martial arts bow is a gesture shared with each other to show respect to one another.
Belt rank is earned on many factors. Belts are not just a receipt for a few months of training. I know people who slept through High School and still graduated! Do not try to compare yourself to the others in class. Just because you’re able to beat someone in a curtain discipline of the arts, that doesn’t mean you should be a higher belt. It’s not usually the student who has these thoughts, but the parents who are not familiar with the appropriate etiquette. It is inappropriate to ask an instructor: “What do I need to work on for my next belt”, or “What does my child need to work on for his/her next belt”. If you are concerned with your progression, simply ask; “What do I need to work on.”
To give an average time between belts would be a guess. How much quality homework combined with quality class time equals your progression. A student is able to skip belt levels if the effort is there. On the other hand, a student may receive a “Demotion” if the staff deems it necessary. Unlike commercial “Kids Karate” schools, MAU takes rank seriously. We do not have a child’s ranking systems and a separate adult’s rank. The original belts were not a retention tool to keep paying students, but a symbol of dedication and hard work. When a MAU student earns his/her Black Belt, It’s for REAL. You will not see a 9 year old wearing a MAU Black Belt, even if they have been training for 6 years. (You may see a Cross-Trainer child wearing a Black Belt; these are students who have trained elsewhere before joining the MAU team) A certain level of maturity is needed to handle such responsibility. If you start your children at an early age, that’s great! Just understand a Blue belt is a very high belt for an 8 year old. If you want to buy a Black Belt with a 12-month program, then MAU is not for you.
MAU attracts students from all martial arts backgrounds. It is common for someone to attain a Black Belt in a singular style, prior to joining our system. If a student has the proper documentation, he/she is permitted to wear their Black Belt. If a cross trainer is not yet a Black Belt in their previous style they must start at a White Belt. Since there is no incentive to hold anyone back, the experienced student will earn rank at MAU at a rapid pace, even skip belts. For example: White to Orange, skipping Yellow. Some Black Belts have not worked out for years and request to start over at White Belts. This is not recommended. That old Black Belt technique will start reappearing in a short time and discourage the real White’s Belts.